Happy new year, happy new hair! To have a radiant start to the year, a new and fresh hairdo is on top of your list. Perhaps you play safe by opting for a trim, but true daredevils may have a funky colour on their wish list. Do you choose extreme blond, chestnut or rose gold? It doesn’t matter what colour you pick. All that matters is that your hair stays in great condition despite dyeing it. The last thing you want is dry and damaged hair, so we give you 6 tips on how to dye your hair without damaging it.

#1 Go to the hairdresser

Although the hair colouring you buy at the pharmacy is not as damaging as it used to be, we stick to the advice of going to the hairdresser if you want to change your hair colour. A hairdresser went to school for years and knows all about the best colouring techniques. You can never dye like a pro! Besides that, the quality of the dye the hairdresser uses is a lot better and you won’t have to dye as often. 


#2 Care

Do you care for your hair, or don’t you like spending time on your manes? This is an essential question when it comes to dyeing. The better you care for your hair, the bolder the colour can be. It’s not clever to go from brunette to blond if you don’t like spending time on hair care. The lighter you go, to more damaging it is on your hair. You can avoid damage by using care products like hair oil and serums. In other words: caring is essential if you don’t want to end up with damaged hair. 


#3 Demi-permanent colouring

A demi-permanent colouring is the best option if you try to limit the damage to your hair. It’s a temporary hair dye without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide and will last up to 28 washings. You can go up to 2 shades darker with a demi-permanent colourant.

Would you like to try first before making your final choice? Then go for a semi-permanent colouring. The temporary colourant will only last 3-6 washings, and you can only go up 1 shade darker.

For everyone who chooses to go for a lighter shade, a lot darker or to dye fully grey hair, the only choice will be a permanent colourant. Pay extra attention to hair care, since permanent hair dyes are a lot more damaging.


#4 Never have a DIY bleach

Bleach is a chemical product that, when not used correctly, really damages your hair. If you’d like to have blond hair, this chemical product is your only go-to. Never experiment with bleach if you don’t want to look like a frizz-ball! Bleaching is something only professionals can do since they know which blend is suitable for your hair type. If you decide on bleaching yourself, you risk damaged hair and, in worst case scenario, even hair loss. 


#5 Choose a colour that suits you

No matter how you look at it, dyeing your hair is not a healthy thing to do. Really think about the colour before you actually start dyeing. If you make a rash decision and choose a shade that does not quite suit you, you are tempted to re-dye your hair in another shade in no-time. To more you dye, the more damaging it is. Please try to avoid any misunderstandings.

Just look at your complexion before choosing a colour. Depending on that you may pick a warm or cool colour. For instance, look at the veins on your wrist. Are they blue? Then you’re a cool type. You are a warm type if you have green coloured veins. Examples of warm hair colours are honey brown or golden blond, while cool types look better in ash shades. 


#6 Start with highlights

It’s not a problem to fully dye your hair at once if you like to go darker, but it’s clever to start with highlights if you want to go lighter. As you could read above, you need a permanent colourant to get a lighter shade which damages your hair. By starting with just a few highlights and slowly increasing this to your desired hair colour, you limit the damage as much as possible. If you want to DIY, highlighting your own hair is not an easy thing to do. Always let your hairdresser do this complicated job.