Anyone who owns at least one hoodie, knows. The ultra-comfy garment is your BFF on colder days, or on your days off. But it can be so frustrating to keep the best addition to your wardrobe organised! They are as comfy as they are clunky, and fitting a hoodie into a drawer seems like a mission impossible. You could try using a hanger, but hanging hoodies does not save much space either. What’s a hoodie devotee to do? Don’t panic, there are simple ways to fold hoodies so that they don’t take up so much space. Follow these 6 quick and easy steps to find out how to fold a hoodie.

How to fold a hoodie

Folding a hoodie is surprisingly easy. Anyone can learn the hoodie-folding-technique, and so can you! But before you enthusiastically fold away all your beloved hoodies, we have a few pointers that you have to keep in mind.

  • Iron -or steam- all the wrinkles out before folding. You always look less sharp than you may want if your clothes are creased or crumpled.
  • Fold the hoodie on a hard, flat surface. A hard and flat surface makes folding a hoodie much easier and quicker!
  • Flatten the material as you go. To avoid and prevent unwanted creases, all you have to do is flatten out each section of the hoodie along the way.

#1 Flip and spread

Flip the hoodie so that the back of it is showing, and spread the fabric out.

#2 Fold arms

Fold one arm over. Do you have some inches left? Then tuck those toward the bottom of the hoodie. If all went well, you now should be able to see that the material fits inside the side hem of the hoodie. Now fold the other arm over the same way.

#3 Fold edges

Fold one of the outer edges of the hoodie in towards the centre. Repeat with the other side. If you’ve folded the edges correctly, each side should meet the other side in the middle.

#4 Fold body

Fold the body of the hoodie in halfway towards the top of the hoodie. Now fold a second time -over the hood-, so that the hood is sitting under the body of the hoodie.

#5 Body in hood

Pull the hood -sitting under the body!- around the body, and tuck that body into the hood. Don’t forget to smooth the body out as you place it in the hood!

#6 Tie strings

Now tie the hoodie drawstring et voila, you’re done!